Catalog - Spring 2025

Group 1 - You and Me Forever

Marriage is great, but it's not forever. It's until death do us part. Then come eternal rewards or regrets depending on how we spend our lives. We will dive into Scripture to understand what it means to have a relationship that satisfies the deepest parts of our souls. Jesus was right. We have it all backward. The way to have a great marriage is by not focusing on marriage.  Whether you are single, dating, or married, You and Me Forever will help you discover the adventure that you were made for and learn how to thrive in it.

Location: The Sousa's House (Bonney Lake Area)

Meeting Day/Time: Tuesdays @ 7:00 PM 

Facilitators: Scott and Jenny Sousa

Type: Marriage Group (Married and Preparing for Marriage, Singles and Couples are all welcome)

Group 2 - Unoffendable

What if we decided not to be offended? Whether scrolling through social media, watching the news, chatting, or driving, it is good to be angry at inappropriate comments or horrible behavior right? It almost seems wrong not to be offended by the way things are in the world right now. But here is a radical idea; what if we were able to scroll, chat, watch, drive, and respond without anger? We will be going through the book Unoffendable and learning how to release the burden of righteous anger so we can experience the joy of gratitude. When you choose to be unoffended you will flourish the way God intends you to.

Location: The Sudduth's House (Tehaleh/Bonney Lake Area)

Meeting Day/Time: Thursdays @ 7:00 PM 

Facilitators: Andy Gomen

Ages: 16 and Up

Group 3 - Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

We will examine the clear evidence which God has revealed in His creation that proves He is the author of all life. We will learn why it is impossible for evolution to have developed even the simplest form of life or even the most basic building blocks of life. 

“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” - Rom.1:20

Location: Bill Spaun's House (Bonney Lake Area)

Meeting Day/Time: Mondays @ 6:30 PM

Facilitators: Bill Spaun

Ages: 12 and up

Group 4 - Sumner Young Adults

Our Young Adults Growth Group will dive deeper into what it truly means to follow Jesus. As the next generation of leaders in our church, it's vital to understand your commitment—whether you're already a Christian or considering taking that step. This group is for young adults ages 18 to 35. Join us as we grow together in faith & friendships.

Location: The Brenneman's House (Kent Area)

Meeting Day/Time: Fridays or Saturdays @ 6:00 PM

Facilitator: Johnathan Burt

Type: Young Adults - 18 to 35

Group 5 - Apologetics

This is an 8-week session on Apologetics, which simply means giving a reasoned defense. It will cover fundamentals and logical fallacies and equip you with the ability to answer common objections that Christians face when evangelizing. Ice-breakers, role-play opportunities, short video clips, a few charade games, and some teaching props will be included.

Location: Church Building

Meeting Day/Time: Thursdays @ 7:00 PM

Facilitator: Kurt Marcelle

Ages: 16 and Up